Home improvement loan
Home improvement loan
Only available to those with immovable property registered in their name
Furnish or renovate your home space
Amount: from EUR 5,000 to EUR 25,000
Loan for a period of up to 10 years
No down payment, no home valuation and no mortgage required
Loans up to EUR 15,000 can be disbursed in cash
Home improvement loan calculator
Credit amount
Credit amount
Preliminary average monthly payment
111 €
Example of how to calculate the annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) for consumer credit: If EUR 10,000.00 is borrowed, where the period of the loan agreement is 60 months, annual interest rate is 9.90%, agreement fee is 0.00% of the loan amount, i.e., EUR 0.00, agreement administration fee is 0.00% of the original loan amount, i.e., EUR 211.98 per month, the total amount payable by the borrower will be EUR 12,718.80, APRC will be 10.36%.
The APRC and the total amount payable by the consumer borrower will be calculated based on the assumptions that the loan is disbursed on the date of signature of the agreement and that the contractual terms, interest and charges remain unchanged throughout the duration of the loan period, and that the terms and conditions of the agreement are fulfilled on time.
Annual interest rate from 9.00% to 20%. Repayment term ranges from 12 to 120 months, depending on the purpose of the consumer loan. This calculator is for information only.
Preliminary average monthly payment
111 €
Example of how to calculate the annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) for consumer credit: If EUR 10,000.00 is borrowed, where the period of the loan agreement is 60 months, annual interest rate is 9.90%, agreement fee is 0.00% of the loan amount, i.e., EUR 0.00, agreement administration fee is 0.00% of the original loan amount, i.e., EUR 211.98 per month, the total amount payable by the borrower will be EUR 12,718.80, APRC will be 10.36%.
The APRC and the total amount payable by the consumer borrower will be calculated based on the assumptions that the loan is disbursed on the date of signature of the agreement and that the contractual terms, interest and charges remain unchanged throughout the duration of the loan period, and that the terms and conditions of the agreement are fulfilled on time.
Annual interest rate from 9.00% to 20%. Repayment term ranges from 12 to 120 months, depending on the purpose of the consumer loan. This calculator is for information only.
Vidutinės mėnesio pajamos
Vidutiniai mėnesio finansiniai įsipareigojimai
Nepilnamečių vaikų skaičius
Vidutinės mėnesio pajamos
Vidutiniai mėnesio finansiniai įsipareigojimai
Nepilnamečių vaikų skaičius
Preliminari didžiausia galima paskolos suma
111 €
Example of how to calculate the annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) for consumer credit: If EUR 10,000.00 is borrowed, where the period of the loan agreement is 60 months, annual interest rate is 9.90%, agreement fee is 0.00% of the loan amount, i.e., EUR 0.00, agreement administration fee is 0.00% of the original loan amount, i.e., EUR 211.98 per month, the total amount payable by the borrower will be EUR 12,718.80, APRC will be 10.36%.
The APRC and the total amount payable by the consumer borrower will be calculated based on the assumptions that the loan is disbursed on the date of signature of the agreement and that the contractual terms, interest and charges remain unchanged throughout the duration of the loan period, and that the terms and conditions of the agreement are fulfilled on time. Annual interest rate from 9.00% to 20%. Repayment term ranges from 12 to 120 months, depending on the purpose of the consumer loan. This calculator is for information only.
The result of the calculator is approximate. To receive a personalised offer, please fill in the loan application.
Preliminari didžiausia galima paskolos suma
111 €
Example of how to calculate the annual percentage rate of charge (APRC) for consumer credit: If EUR 10,000.00 is borrowed, where the period of the loan agreement is 60 months, annual interest rate is 9.90%, agreement fee is 0.00% of the loan amount, i.e., EUR 0.00, agreement administration fee is 0.00% of the original loan amount, i.e., EUR 211.98 per month, the total amount payable by the borrower will be EUR 12,718.80, APRC will be 10.36%.
The APRC and the total amount payable by the consumer borrower will be calculated based on the assumptions that the loan is disbursed on the date of signature of the agreement and that the contractual terms, interest and charges remain unchanged throughout the duration of the loan period, and that the terms and conditions of the agreement are fulfilled on time. Annual interest rate from 9.00% to 20%. Repayment term ranges from 12 to 120 months, depending on the purpose of the consumer loan. This calculator is for information only.
The result of the calculator is approximate. To receive a personalised offer, please fill in the loan application.
You can use the loan for
Frequently asked questions
Urbo Bankas provides loans to:
- Citizens of the Republic of Lithuania or holders of a permanent residence permit in Lithuania;
- Are 21 years or older;
- Persons who receive a fixed income;
- Persons whose monthly payments of total financial obligations do not exceed 40% of their fixed income.
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Maturity date:
- Consumer or car loan – up to 7 years;
- Home improvement loan – up to 10 years.
The credit is repaid in monthly instalments.
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Lenders UAB | Altero LT UAB |
Reg.no: 302996838 Address: Savanorių pr. 1, 03116 Vilnius Tel. +370 520 00999 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.lenders.lt |
Reg.no: 304896733 Address: Konstitucijos pr. 7, 09308, Vilnius Tel. +370 680 33 033 E-mail: [email protected] Website: www.altero.lt |
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