Other services
"Urbo" is a new bank name
Savings deposits
Savings deposits
It is a convenient way to save for a selected period, during which the amount of the deposit can be increased at any time by additional instalments.
Anyone with an account at Urbo Bankas can open a savings deposit account. If you are not yet a customer of our bank, you can become a customer remotely.
You can sign the deposit agreement:
- At the nearest Urbo Bankas branch;
- Via the Internet Bank.
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- Minimum deposit amount is (EUR/USD/GBP) 100;
- Deposits are accepted in Euros (EUR), US Dollars (USD) or British Pounds Sterling (GBP).
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- Interest for the current month is credited to the deposit account on the last day of each month;
- Interest is payable only at the end of the term of the deposit agreement.
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- The deposit agreement can be automatically renewed for the same term at the annual interest rate applicable at the bank on the renewal date (the total amount of the savings deposit account is renewed, together with any additional instalments and accrued interest);
- The amount of the deposit can be increased by additional instalments;
- The deposit is not repayable in instalments before the contractually agreed maturity;
- No interest is payable if the depositor withdraws the deposit in full before the end of the contractually agreed maturity.
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The detailed information about the terms and conditions of deposit insurance, cases when deposits are not insured and when restrictions on deposit insurance payouts apply, is provided on the website of the public institution "Deposit and Investment Insurance".
For more information you can read here.
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